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About Us

The AANS/CNS Joint Section on Neurotrauma & Critical Care (JSNTCC) provides a forum for education and research on trauma and critical care of the nervous system, to coordinate activities and programs relating to trauma, critical care, and sports medicine for the parent organizations and other societies, committees, and agencies; to represent the parent organizations, at their discretion, at any organization or group on matters relating to trauma, critical care, and sports medicine; and to advise the parent organizations of activities that relate to nervous system trauma and critical care by other individuals, groups, and/or agencies. 

To learn more about the Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care, see our full Rules and Regulations here.

Our Founders

Donald Becker, MD
Howard Eisenberg, MD
Tom Gennarelli, MD
Alan Hudson, MD
John Jane, MD
Tom Langfitt, MD
Larry Marshall, MD
J. Douglas Miller, MD
Larry Pitts, MD
Tom Sual, MD
Sidney Tolchin, MD
Frank Wagner, MD
Michael Walker, MD
Harold Wilkinson, MD

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