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Instructions for Membership Application

Follow these steps to complete your application for membership. There is no application fee. To learn more about types of membership, continue reading below.


(1) Click the link above. This will open a new window to the MyAANS page.

(2) Login with your MyAANS login. If you do not have one, click on “Create an account.”

(3) Once you have logged in, select “Member Applications” from the menu on the left.

(4) Select “Create a new application.”

(5) From the menu, select “AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma & Critical Care.”

(6) Fill out the application.

(7) You’re done!

Types of Membership

Active Members

Members shall be physicians who are members of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons or Congress of Neurological Surgeons and who are actively interested in neurotrauma and neurologic critical care. Active members have the right to vote and hold office.

Yearly dues: $100.00 for Active Members only

Associate Members

Members shall include physicians not otherwise eligible for active membership, including neurosurgeons who are not members of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons, PhDs, or holders of an equivalent degree in collateral or related fields, who are active in the areas of research in neurotrauma and neurologic critical care. These individuals may participate in any and all activities of this Section.

International Members

Members shall reside beyond the limits of the United States of America and Canada. They shall be chosen because of their devotion and their contributions to the management of neurotrauma. They may serve as members of the committees, but they shall not be required to attend meetings nor pay dues. They may not vote or hold office. They need not be corresponding members of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons or Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

Affiliate Members

Members shall consist of nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants or other related members of the medical team interested in neurotrauma and neurologic critical care.

Resident Members

Members shall include resident members of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons who have a special interest in neurotrauma and neurologic critical care. All residents are automatically enrolled in membership with the AANS/CNS Neurotrauma section. Those that decide to remain members are given priority when registering for educational courses provided by the Section. Annual dues are not required as a Resident member. 

If you wish to opt out of Resident Membership, click here.

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